Rob Dahlstrom, already a UU, came to UUCSS in 1978 when his wife Hank Dahlstrom was hired as the DRE (Director of Religious Education). The family had been looking for a new church and when Hank’s term as DRE ended two years later, the family decided to stay. Over his nearly forty years of membership, Rob has been involved in many committees and other activities. One of the volunteer activities he derives great satisfaction from involved his work with a group that was working on a new governance structure for the church in the 1980s. He came up with an alternative program council to the one that was proposed. Although neither was adopted his proposal provided the basis for the ultimate model that was adopted and which we still use. He was also involved in more recent efforts to create the Operations Council, as a separate group from the program council on which various committees focused on church operations (as opposed to church programs).
Rob, with February 2018’s Volunteer of the Month, Ken Iobst, has for many years provided the IT support for the Church Auction. He and Ken run the IT system that captures all the auction items that people donate, maintains everyone’s bidder number, compiles the entered bids by bidder number and derives each bidder’s total, and provides lists of items bid and items donated by bidder/donor. Rob and Ken’s IT support is critical to the success of UUCSS’s annual Auction.