Information bulletins
Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt Online Worship Service for Candidating Week April 26, 2020, 11:00 a.m.
Information bulletins
Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt Online Worship Service for Candidating Week April 26, 2020, 11:00 a.m.
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Dear UUCSS Members, Friends, and Staff, We are excited to be able to present the candidate for ministry at UUCSS: Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt. Rev. Schmidt was born and raised in Montgomery County, Maryland. From a young age Kristin encouraged her family to find a church to attend. They began going to Cedar Lane UU Church when…
Emily Harris was a regular church goer as a child but became disillusioned with religion as an adult, and after a family tragedy rejected theism. There were still good memories of what a church could be – supportive, loving, nurturing- but dogma and prejudice got in the way. Seeing how church communities supported their family…
Worship is online now and will potentially continue through April in an effort to protect one another from exposure to the COVID-19 virus. Our senior staff team has developed online worship on our new UUCSS YouTube page, as well as online connection throughout the week. Please continue to check our website for updates on our response to…
LOVE MADE REAL: Worship this Sunday, March 22, at 11:00am will be a collaborative, on-line service in cooperation with Cedar Lane UU Church. Music, preaching, and worship from both congregations will help us to reflect on the ways love is made real in our lives, and on the ways we’re using creativity in love, even…
A Message from Rev. Lyn Cox for the UU Church of Silver Spring Dear Ones, It has been a very full week of changes, worries, and quick adaptations. I am heartened by the number of people I see reaching out, checking on one another, and using this time creatively. As your minister, my focus is…
Pastoral Update, March 12, 2020A Message from Rev. Lyn Cox for the UU Church of Silver Spring Dear Ones, My heart is with you during this ever-shifting time. With regard to the COVID-19 virus, we are seeing more confirmed cases in Maryland, and we are seeing in other communities how choices made early on can…
Rarely do we think of middle school religious education as a place of beauty and in that we would be wrong. Along with the chaotic energies that comes with this age are creative energies striving for a place in the world and a place as a UU. In this we are blessed with the teachers…
Green Sanctuary is inviting you to join members of our committee in lobbying MD legislators face-to-face on important climate change bills in Annapolis. Two major opportunities are coming up in February. 1. The Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) is organizing a Lobby Night on President’s Day, Feb 17th, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm What: Join…