THE UUCSS ANNUAL MEETING is in the Sanctuary on Sunday, June 10, at 12:00pm, immediately following the service. Action items on which the congregation will vote include:
- The budget for 2018-2019
- Nominees to fill vacancies on the Board of Trustees and the Nominating Committee
- Nominees to serve on the search committee to search for a settled minister during the next church year.
The agenda and additional materials will be distributed in advance of the meeting.
INTERPRETING SERVICES AND CHILDCARE REQUESTS are due Sunday, May 27. To request an interpreter, contact To register for childcare, contact and provide the names and ages of the children along with any special needs (allergies, etc.) Please provide lunch (NO NUTS) for your children.
For members not able to attend the annual meeting, ABSENTEE BALLOTS will be available when the full roster of candidates for leadership are known.
If you have any questions, please contact Christa Maher, boardsecretary@uucss.