Beloved Community – Rev. Lyn Cox

As the congregation explores deeper engagement with multiculturalism and with dismantling racism, we reflect on both a spiritual and practical level about what it would mean to build the Beloved Community within UUCSS and beyond.

Regarding the Featured Image:

Life Pieces To Masterpieces, Inc.“Perspective” – An LPTM Color Me Community Series (Collaborative Creation)
Sewn Acrylic Paint on Canvas
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Note that behind the links shaping the figures are written thoughts from Color Me Community participants sharing how they can contribute to mending together “shared humanity” one stitch at a time. The links represent stitches to heal/fortify a shared humanity.

Here is the link to the livestream:

Anyone with an internet connection should be able to view the livestream. You may need to log in to Google to participate in the chat. A recording will be available to view later, but not the livestream chat.

American Sign Language interpretation will be available during the service at this link:

After the service, please join us for Virtual Coffee Hour. See an email reminder for the link.