Green Sanctuary is Sponsoring Write Here! Write Now! at Coffee Hour!

During Coffee Hour for three Sundays in a row, UUCSS Green Sanctuary is conducting a Write Here! Write Now!  letter-writing campaign in conjunction with UUSJ to support the RECLAIM Act. This act has bipartisan support and will release $1 billion of existing funds over five years from the Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation (AML) Fund to 25 states and three Indian tribes. It would fund reclamation and restoration of land and water resources and support economic revitalization in coal communities in economic distress due to the continuing reduction of jobs in the coal mining industry.

Please join us in writing Senators Cardin and Van Hollen on April 29. Brief hand-written letters have more impact than emails and other means of contact. Follow this link: for background and details.  Feel free to write write your letter ahead of time (see tips and sample letter on website) and drop it off with us.

On Tuesday May 8, UUSJ Advocacy Corps will hand deliver Write Here! Write Now! letters to Senators Cardin and Van Hollen.