Sermons on UU History

Flower Ceremony

Compost and Other Teachers / Rev. Lyn Cox You saw a little glimpse of my garden earlier. I hope you didn’t mind the weeds, and were able to hear the invitation to beauty. One of the things I have learned in the garden is that it will not and I cannot be perfect. I do…

Beside Still Waters

Not that long ago, we almost had real snow. The weather predictions were noncommittal. We worried about commuters, travelers, and public safety workers. Winter weather can be both beautiful and terrible. Just when I thought the snow was a complete hoax and I set out on a long drive, flurries twirled through the sky. We…

We Make it So

I have been spending the past few days with Unitarian Universalist religious educators. The annual conference of the Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA) is this weekend, and this year’s conference is in Baltimore. My first job after graduating from seminary was as a Minister for Religious Education, and I continue to feel that religious educators…