UUCSS Policy – Selection of Delegates to Denominational Meetings

Adopted December 16, 2020

A. At least three months beforehand, the Board will inform Church members of the opportunity to be a delegate to the UUA General Assembly or other denominational meeting.  Members may indicate their interest in writing to the Board.

B. The Board will consider applicants’ participation in church life, and will aim to balance the delegation with experienced and new delegates.

 C. Serving as a delegate will not be based entirely on an individual’s financial means, as scholarships may be available from either the UUA or our Congregation.

 D. Delegates will represent the needs and interests of the Church at denominational meetings, to the best of their ability, by educating themselves on issues that will be before the meeting and by providing an opportunity for congregants to have input on those issues.

E. Delegates will collectively provide a written report to the Board within one month of the meeting.