
Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring. We are a liberal faith community made up of people of all ages from many backgrounds, theologies, identities, and cultures. We affirm each person’s inherent worth and dignity, honor wisdom from many religious traditions, and we practice our faith by serving our neighbors and doing justice together. We are committed to dismantling racism in ourselves and our congregation and growing into an ever more diverse, multicultural congregation.

For information on our Worship Services, including how to participate virtually and view past services, go to UUCSS Worship.

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Food Donations

Upcoming Events

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Food Donations


March 2025 Member Spotlight – Brian Calhoon

Brian Calhoon grew up in a United Methodist church that emphasized mission work, but not the kind you might think of. In his late teens Brian went to two rust belt cities and a Native American reservation and fixed stuff, no preaching involved. The church of his childhood felt like home and while he learned…

February 2025 Member Spotlight – Tricia Hanson

Tricia Hanson grew up in Minnesota in a religious Catholic household.  She describes Sunday church as a religion in itself and a Catholic grade school for two years.  But as she came of age in the 1970s she began to explore other faiths after seeing how issues like prohibitions on contraception and the divorce of…

January 2025 Member Spotlight – Lisa Schumaker

After seven years of traveling with the military, Lisa’s father entered civilian life with the Bureau of Land Management in Idaho.  There were good things about Idaho, especially skiing every weekend during the winter.  The school system was pretty good too, something that was brought home after a short sojourn in Nebraska at a school…

December 2024 Member Spotlight – Deborah Bonsack

Deborah Bonsack grew up in upstate New York.  Deborah’s father was an inveterate camper and her family and five or so other families would tent camp every weekend from last to first snowfall and for all vacations.  There was no electricity but lots of singing around the campfire and her father would preach on Sundays. …

November 2024 Member Spotlight – Rachel Vanarsdall

Initially Rachel Vanarsdall believed that her family didn’t attend church because her parents were English. It took a while to conclude there was simply no interest. An aunt in Bethesda who attended Cedar Lane UUC irregularly may have been the seed that set the Vanarsdalls on their UU journey. After college with a degree in…