2019 Church Auction

The annual UUCSS Auction is one of the church’s most enjoyable events as well as a terrific fundraiser. It is an evening of great fun and fellowship at which donations made by UUCSS Members and Friends are auctioned off to others within the church family.

You will find everything from terrific things such as paintings; pottery and other artistic creations, to homemade baked goods made for sale the night of the Auction or promised for a later date. Many Members and Friends offer special dinners or outings, or offer services or lessons. Each donated event offers more opportunities to get to know fellow Members and Friends better. See the auction catalog here.

Childcare is Available; Reserve Your Spot Today

Childcare is available. Reserve a space by October 20 via e-mail to childcare@uucss.org. Be sure to include:

  • • Names and ages of children
  • • Information on allergies or other special needs

ASL Interpretation is Available

The deadline to sign up for ASL interpretation for the Auction is October 20. Please email auction@uucss.org to sign up.

Volunteers Needed!

We need volunteers to set up for, run, and clean up after the Auction. With enough volunteers, everyone will have plenty of opportunity to participate in and enjoy a well run event. Let us know if you can help with an e-mail to auction@uucss.org.

Dress up for Under the Sea Auction

Theme-related clothing/costumes are encouraged, and are part of what makes this such a special event. Come as your favorite actor or movie character! Be creative!


For more information and answers to any questions about this year’s auction, please contact the Auction Committee at auction@uucss.org.

Program Council

Please contact council@uucss.org for details, as meeting schedule and location are subject to change. The Program Council through its volunteer committees provides structure for church members to operate all the programs of the Church in conjunction with our professional leaders. The Council is led by the Board Vice President for Program and includes the Chairs of all…

Transgender Day of Visibility

International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) is an annual event occurring on March 31 dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society. The day was founded by US-based transgender activist Rachel Crandall of Michigan in 2009 as a…

Property Committee

Please contact property@uucss.org for details, as meeting schedule and location are subject to change. Monitors the requirements for maintenance, renovation and improvement of buildings and grounds. Working closely with the sexton, supervises and organizes the maintenance of church property. Manages the attractiveness of the church facility, gardens, and grounds. Helps the church to be energy-efficient and…

Administrative Operations Committee

Please contact aoc@uucss.org for details, as meeting schedule and location are subject to change. Supports the minister and staff in performing the administrative functions of the church. The committee is responsible for improving office procedures and making decisions about purchases, replacements, repairs and maintenance of all office equipment.

food donation

Food Donations

UUCSS volunteers donate coffee, green vegetables, and fruit once a month to Silver Spring Christian Reform Church located at 1501 Arcola Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20902. UUCSS volunteers sign up to donate food every other month, or drive the food over — which really only amounts to driving on average once a year. Donations of…

Worship Services Committee

Please contact worship@uucss.org for details, as meeting schedule and location are subject to change. Worship committee oversees the production of consistent and meaningful worship services throughout the year by coordinating with the minister, minister of religious education, music director, deaf access committee, and congregation. The committee creates worship services when the minister is absent from…

National Coming Out Day

National Coming Out Day (NCOD) is an annual LGBT awareness day observed on October 11, to support lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people (and sometimes other groups typically grouped within the LGBT community) to “coming out of the closet”. Coming out — whether it is as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer — STILL MATTERS.…

International Pronouns Day

International Pronouns Day began in 2018 and takes place on the 3rd Wednesday of October each year. International Pronouns Day seeks to make respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace. Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity. Being referred to by the wrong pronouns particularly affects transgender and…