Past Events (Page 15)

Rainbow Alliance Monthly Meeting

Rainbow Alliance now holds monthly meetings via Zoom on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM. Email to get the Zoom link for upcoming meetings and let us know if you would like to be included in our newsletter and email distribution. After a few short business items at each meeting, folks can share…

Beyond the Eye of the Beholder

Led by Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt The way we measure beauty varies across time, culture, and individuals, but human beings seem to instinctively try to protect things they think are beautiful. In this service, we will explore what’s possible when we choose to expand our ideas about what and who are beautiful. September 26, 2021…

Righting Our Relationships – Led by Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

Whether it’s the economy or the environment, our world is grappling with big challenges. This week, as many among and around us prepare to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, we will imagine together what’s possible if we learn how to right our relationships with one another and the Earth that sustains us all. September 5 Order of…

When Hope Is Hard to Find – Led by Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

Uncertainty and disappointment are part of life, but too much of either can erode our ability to cope. This Sunday we will embrace the spirit of the mystics and “center down” into that which brings us hope when hope is hard to find. August 29 Order of Service


Saving What We Love – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt and Rev. Christian Schmidt, with contributions by worship teams from UUCSS and UU Church of the Brazos Valley in Bryan, TX

The world can sometimes make us feel like we’re the last Jedi. So it can be both humbling and reassuring to realize that the resistance isn’t all up to us. This week in worship we consider what Star Wars theology has to teach us about our UU faith and our call to build a just…