Past Events (Page 21)

Rainbow UU Chalice

Lead with Love – Rev. Kristin Schmidt

In a world filled with so many crises and unknowns hope can be hard to find. Inspired by vocal activist Melanie DeMore and the late, great Universalist Gordon McKeeman, we will consider in this service where Love is caling us to go, and what hope we might find in answering that call together. Tune in…

Gratitude for all Ages – Interim DRE Marsha Thrall and the Religious Education Committee

Through the eyes and mouths of our youth, teachers, and interim director of the RE program, this service will reflect on the experience and practice of gratitude in our lives. Some may be grateful for ice cream and wireless internet, some for health and relationships, and some even for life’s challenges and heartache. No matter…

On Being a Child, A Parent, or Both – Steve Hirsch, UUCSS Member

Steve Hirsch will be sharing about being a child, a parent, or both. We all are or were children at some point. Some of us were children longer ago than others. And some of us are or have been parents, which changes not only our adult lives but often our views on our own parents…

Blessing in the Age of COVID – Lynn Cave, UUCSS Member

People talk about “counting their blessings,” but blessing can be a verb, too.  The service will provide insight on how blessing is an active process that anyone can do, even during this pandemic.  You’ll discover how blessing can connect you with the spirit of life in another person.  And, you’ll get a chance to bless…

Hope and the Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope is the most productive scientific endeavor of all time. Its story is dramatic, with huge expectations, dismal failure, plucky resolve, a sensational rescue mission, and enormous success. How can the results and the story of Hubble bring us hope? Steve Leete is an engineer who worked for NASA on the last…

Operations Council

Please contact for details, as meeting schedule and location are subject to change. The Operations Council is composed of representatives from the Administrative Operations Committee, Property Committee, AV Committee and IT Committee.

Finding a Spiritual Practice (or, The Zen of Golf) – Carol Hamilton, UUCSS Member

My search for a spiritual practice started with my head. I read books on spirituality, prayer and meditation. As I learned more about meditation and the span of spiritual practices, I realized that most of my most meditative times involved movement. I discovered the Zen of Golf. Tune in to this link on Sunday morning:…

Land of Fun – Chris Lindsley, UUCSS Member

UUCSS member Chris Lindsley will share what he’s learned about life, hard work, and ethics. His reflections are expanded in his book of the same name. Land of Fun (the book) is part history and part memoir, based on his six summers operating rides and games at Funland in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Tune in to…