Past Events (Page 25)

Workshop on UU Ethics for Adults

Sundays, February 9-April 19, 12:00-2:00pm “What we choose: Ethics for Unitarian Universalists” is a ten-session workshop designed by the Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti and the Rev. Amber Beland. This participatory, reflection-based workshop will be facilitated by member Evelyn DeNardo on Sundays after the service, February 9-April 19. The UUA’s course description is as follows: “Development, clarification,…

Trees (Multi-generational)

In this multi-generational service, we will reflect on putting down roots and growing shelter for generations to come. We will draw inspiration for resilience from the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shevat, the New Year of Trees, as we consider growth and fruitfulness on a long time scale. Rev. Lyn Cox

Beside Still Waters

Resilience comes from many sources, some of them rowdy and defiant, others steady and subtle. For this service, we’ll draw from the contemplative side, remembering courage and fortitude in our living tradition and in sacred text. Rev. Lyn Cox

book club and conversation

Women’s Book Group: January 2020

Meetings are held at a member’s home on the fourth Monday of each month except August and December. This is the book group’s 15th year and new folks are welcome to join us!  All interested readers are welcome with no long-term obligation. We meet informally, discuss the book, take a break for delicious drink and…

Superhero Values – Rev. Lyn Cox

Each of us has to decide how to respond to the past. Individually and as a group, we are faced with questions of power and responsibility. Teaming up with other people is a source of strength, in spite of and perhaps because of our differences. These characteristics of superheroes call attention to our future as…

Jazz@UUCSS January 19, 2020

Join us on Martin Luther King weekend for a powerful program featuring jazz interpretations of music associated with three liberation movements: the U.S. civil rights struggle, South Africa’s anti-apartheid movement, and the ongoing struggle of the Palestinian people for freedom and human rights.

Inescapable Network of Mutuality – Rev. Lyn Cox and Lay Leaders

On this weekend when we lift up the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we remember the Poor People’s Campaign that he was working on at the time of his death. Like the 1968 effort, the current Poor People’s Campaign calls for a “revolution of values,” organizing faith communities and the people…

Operations Council

Please contact for details, as meeting schedule and location are subject to change. The Operations Council is composed of representatives from the Administrative Operations Committee, Property Committee, AV Committee and IT Committee.

Online Launch OF UU The Vote In 2020

UU the Vote will be supporting congregations to lead in electoral engagement work in the 2020 elections.  “In this launch, hear about the organizing plan for UU the Vote across the country, some of the strategies we’ll be deploying, examples of on-the-ground work from congregations already engaging, and how you and your congregation can get involved.”   Register to…

Over There – Beyond That Mountain, In That Valley – Alexa Fraser

What do we own?  What is yours?  What is mine?  What is ours?  What do we pay attention to?   Perhaps there is a new way to look at the answers to those questions and in the process look at the world through a different set of lenses. Rev. Alexa Fraser is a long-time UUCSS member…