Past Events (Page 6)

Loving Our Neighbors – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

Join us as we welcome a special guest from Action In Montgomery to learn about the ways UUCSS can partner with this non-partisan, multi-faith, multi-racial organization draws people from all over Montgomery County and the state of Maryland to make our community better.

A Third Place – Rev. Christian

This pandemic showed us many things: that we are all vulnerable, that we depend on each other for safety, and that we can change and adapt. And being restricted in where we could go, where was safe to go, reminded us of something important, that we need places, physical and virtual, to gather together, to…

Beyond All or Nothing – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

The idea that God is all-powerful raises hard and often painful questions. In particular, why would a good and just god orchestrate or even allow anyone to suffer? In this service, we will explore process theology and what divinity might look like when freed from the doctrine of omnipotence.

Imbolc Sunday: Wintering Seeds – Rev. Caitlin Cotter Coillberg

Moving into February, we continue to be Wintering as people, even as we begin to see signs of spring all around. How do we honor our winter selves, even as we sow seeds for future seasons? Join Rev. Caitlin for this service of ritual, story, and reflection honoring Imbolc and the seasons of our lives.

What Will We Bring to the Table? – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

As participants in a congregation we are often asked to support our shared ministry with financial generosity, but our ministry extends far beyond just those who call UUCSS their own. This Sunday, as our Annual Budget Drive (ABD) begins, Rev. Kristin considers what we as a congregation can bring to the table in the service…

Under Construction – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

Deconstruction is often important and necessary. Much like the demo taking place right now in our Community Building, taking apart beliefs we no longer affirm can be uncomfortable. It has led some of us to leave past religious communities, support systems, and even family and friends. The purpose of demo is to make space to…

Bayard Rustin, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and the Art of Holy Troublemaking – Rev. Caitlin Cotter Coillberg

Bayard Rustin famously said “We need, in every community, a group of angelic troublemakers.” This profound statement encapsulates the essence of the transformative power held by individuals who challenge societal norms and fight for justice. What does it mean for us, as Unitarian Universalists of All Ages, on this holiday weekend celebrating the civil rights…

Practice for the Spirit – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

The beginning of a New Year is a great time to focus inward on rituals and practices that help us to grow emotionally and feel most alive. This week we focus on the meaning, purpose, and promise of spiritual practice.

Welcoming the New Year – UUA President Sofia Betancourt (Virtual) – New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2023 Worship Service by the UUA & UUCSS

Begin your New Year’s Eve with UUCSS! Welcome and introduction to the offering by our Rev. Kristin Schmidt. This service will feature a message by UUA President, Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt. Music by Lea Morris and other UU musical groups. Reading by Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker. Other elements by Rev. Byron “Tyler” Coles , Rev.…

The Good News of Christmas – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

Join us for a refreshing take on the meaning of Christmas! Through sacred text and choral songs, prayer and preaching, carols and candlelight we revisit this age-old story. This service is geared toward teenagers, adults, and all seeking a more contemplative Christmas Eve worship experience.