The Fellowship Dinner, a time for breaking bread together and celebrating the wonderful fellowship of UUCSS, is scheduled for Saturday, April 28th from 5:30pm – 9:00pm. Once again, we will gather around tables sharing dishes we’ve made, enjoying the company of our friends and making new friends, and listening to great music and (hopefully) dancing. The Fellowship Dinner is held as a table potluck, with the people at each table bringing dishes to share with each other, and one person bringing dessert to contribute to the congregational dessert table. There will be an open bar beforehand. Sign-up for the Fellowship Dinner begins March 11, 2018. Opportunities to sign up for childcare for the very young and activities for older children will be provided. Questions? Please contact Laura Ellis at (301) 792-1232.

Fellowship Dinner April 28, 2018
- April 28, 2018
- 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm
- Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring
10309 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20903