The Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring will ordain Chaplain Ashley Burczak and covenant with her
as our Affiliated Community Minister on Saturday, June 8, at 2:30 in the Sanctuary. Chaplain Ashley’s journey
through seminary was endorsed by UUCSS, and she has served in the past as our Membership Coordinator.
Now that she is working at a hospice chaplain for Jewish Social Services, she is taking Unitarian Universalism
into the world in a new way. Ashley is also the new UU chaplain at Riderwood Retirement Community. Come
celebrate Chaplain Ashley’s change in relationship with UUCSS, and come take part in a congregation’s
unique power and privilege to confer ordination. The choir will sing, the band will play, and we’ll follow the
service with a catered reception.
RSVP to Tamara Bowman, or speak to Tamara or Jo Paoletti about ways you can help.