"Lay Led" Tagged Sermons


Recently, the Order of Services, had a note in it, looking for volunteers to speak on people or things that have….I forget the exact quote,  but asking for sermons on people who have made us who we are today.   And while I have mentioned my Dad, several times, Well, this person not only changed MY life, but changed the lives of seven…

Racism is the White Man’s Burden

Description: “Inspired by the ‘Church in the Mirror‘ sermon delivered by congregant Charles Alexander, I reflect upon what I’ve learned about my internalized white identity and sense of superiority. With the help of beloved fellow travelers in the ongoing struggle to understand and overcome racism and white supremacy, I’ve discovered the damage whiteness has done to my spirit and to my capacity to live within the beloved community. I offer my vision of our church in this struggle including where we have been, where we are, and the possibilities for healing and liberation that stand before us.”

Love in the Shadow of War

Veronika Martin spoke about her work in conflict zones in Asia and Africa, how her family history guided her there, and what she learned from the human connections made during these difficult times.

Love Your Enemies

When Catherine Buckler initially offered to do this, she had planned to talk about her experiences at the last two Revolutionary Love conferences.  However, after viewing three videos related to the NRA ad campaign controversy, she decided to focus in on one of the ideas explored at the conferences – loving one’s enemies.  See what…