[Adopted June 23, 2021]
- The Board of Trustees commits to safeguarding the congregation’s valuable assets through the Finance Committee, which oversees financial operations of UUCSS.
- The Vice President for Finance oversees the Finance Committee, which consists of member volunteers and UUCSS staff that hold finance positions, including but not limited to the Treasurer, the Collector, and Bookkeeper, and the Minister or representative in an ex-officio capacity.
- The Finance Committee will generate and follow policies to govern financial operations. These policies will lay out in detail the responsibilities of the members of the finance committee and clearly delineate roles and functions.
- All Finance Committee policy needs to conform to established best practices as determined by finance professionals. These sources of guidance will include the UUA, among others as required.
- The Vice President for Finance and the Finance Committee will provide financial reports and statements of accounts to the Board, upon request, and to the congregation in the Annual Report.
- The Vice President for Finance will work with the Minister and the Board President to prepare a yearly budget for approval by the Board.