- Anyone in the congregation or staff may bring a recommendation to the Board that a policy be added or amended.
- When the Board decides to undertake a particular policy addition or amendment, the Board will communicate to the congregation that the policy is being developed or revised, and invite anyone interested to contact the Board to learn more about it.
- Depending on the scope and importance of the new or revised policy, the Board may involve the congregation through any of the following means: a. Organizing a task force to help with development of a new policy. b. Conveying the draft addition or revision to the community and inviting comments. c. Convening a meeting of those interested.
- The text of the proposed revision or addition must have been provided to Board members at a regularly scheduled meeting before the meeting at which it is adopted.
UUCSS Policy – Policy on Policies
POLICY ON POLICIES [Adopted May 26, 2021]
A. UUCSS policies are subordinate to the Bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring. They are designed to specify the parameters within which the Church does its work.
B. Policies may be added or existing policies amended by a majority vote of the Trustees present at any Board meeting, in accordance with the process set out below.