February Update from the Search Committee

Shhh… the Search Committee has gone quiet. However, rest assured, we’re not asleep at the wheel. We’ve been working steadily behind the scenes. We’ve reviewed ministerial candidate packets and references, developed interview questions, tested out those questions in a dry run with Rev. Lyn, and completed a first round of video conference interviews with interested candidates. At this writing, we are in the process of identifying the “pre-candidates” whom we will invite for in-person interviews and provide with an opportunity to lead a worship service at a “neutral pulpit.” We are honored to be in a position to have these interactions with ministerial applicants and to represent you, our UUCSS sisters and brothers, in this critical role.

In early January, we shared with you the synthesized themes from the cottage meetings and the congregational survey. Before the end of January, you will also have received access to the congregational record, the extensive online document that all congregations in search submit, providing a comprehensive overview of our congregation and our hopes for the future. We hope you’ve enjoyed seeing yourselves and our beloved community reflected in these documents.

Thank you for your patience during this extended quiet phase of the Search Committee process and the confidentiality required. We will continue to keep you apprised of our process as best we can. Be sure to keep the weeks of April 28–May 5 and May 5–12 marked in your calendar. We expect one of those 2 weeks will be our candidating week when the congregation and our ministerial candidate will have the opportunity to get to know one another.

Any questions? Contact: search@uucss.org.

— The Minister Search Committee (Alice-Ann, Carl, Carol, Colin, Janne, Maggie, and Susannah)