Past Events (Page 3)

Water Ceremony – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt and Rev. Caitlin Cotter Coillberg

Whether from your favorite beach, the stream along your favorite hiking path, or just the hose you use to water your garden, everyone is invited to bring some water to mingle in our annual Water Ceremony! This is a service for all ages – children will stay for the full hour, though Nursery care is…

Labor, Love, and Liberation – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

Join us for a Taize-style Labor Day service of poetry, prayer, and song. There are no religious education classes today, but Nursery care is available for children 6+months to 5 years.

Backpack Blessing – Rev. Caitlin Cotter Coillberg

Children and youth in our congregation and across the region are preparing for the beginning of a new school year. Even if we won’t be going to school, we can bring intention to our ongoing learning and growing. People of all ages are invited to bring their backpacks, bags, and handbags for a blessing. This…

Mother Spirit, Father Spirit – Meg Harrelson

UUCSS member Meg Harrelson concludes our summer worship series with a service about the hymn “Mother Spirit, Father Spirit” and its meaning in her life and theology.

What Wondrous Love – Rev. Kimberley Debus

This hymn from the Appalachian sacred harp tradition resonates so strongly still today. We’ll look at the song’s origins and what it calls us toward today.

This Is My Song – Rev. Caitlin Cotter Coillberg

This week we celebrate the spirit of the Olympic Games! Join Rev. Caitlin for a service asking how the values of the Games relate to our UU values and what it means to sing a song of peace for lands afar and ours.

The Seven Spiritual Laws – Rev. John Crestwell

UUCSS joins many UU congregations around the region in the “Preaching Along the Potomac” collaborative this week! Join us in the Sanctuary as we tune into the service broadcast from the UU Church of Annapolis, or tune into Zoom from home! Here is the zoom link: The ancient mystics spoke of seven rules that…

Spirit of Life – Rosanne Douglas

This week UUCSS member Rosanne Douglas continues our summer worship series with a service about the spiritual impact of the beloved hymn “Spirit of Life.”

There Is More Love Somewhere – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

Generations of people have been attracted to UU Congregations by the belief that human choices – not (just) divine – matter. But in a world increasingly impacted by the harmful consequences of human agency like climate catastrophe and rising militarism, what are we to make of it all? Join us as Rev. Kristin kicks off our summer…