Past Events (Page 2)

Rainbow UU Chalice

Love Unites, Stories Ignite – Rev. Dr. Molly Housh Gordon

This Sunday we join with UUs around the country in the worship service from this year’s General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Come celebrate the profound impact of love as a binding force that transcends boundaries and fosters connection here at UUCSS, among UU congregations, and beyond!

Rainbow Faith: Flower Ceremony and Pride Sunday – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt and Rev. Caitlin Cotter Coillberg

This Sunday we celebrate the bouquet of community with a beloved ceremony shared by UUs around the world. If you plan to attend the service in-person please bring a flower to add to the vase in the Sanctuary. If you will attend virtually or won’t be able to make it to worship this Sunday, please…

Hope for Tomorrow – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt and Rev. Caitlin Cotter Coillberg

This week we celebrate all we’ve done together as a congregation in the last year, we thank all of the people who have shared their gifts to serve our mission, and we consider what we are called to be and do into the future. Note: The Annual Meeting will be held in the Sanctuary after…

Hymn Sing Sunday – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

People of all ages are invited to make a joyful noise in this hymn sing service. Everyone will get to submit the song they want us to sing and we’ll make selections out of a hat. Add your voice to the chorus or just sit back and bask in the music.

The Ones Who Save Us – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

Superheroes and their stories evolve as the world and its challenges change. This week, we we celebrate what our youngest members have been learning in the Our Whole Lives, Superhero Academy, and Holy Troublemakers curricula and we consider what today’s superheroes can tell us about our needs and the needs of our world today. Everyone…

Demands of the Age – Rev. Abhi Janamanchi

We are thrilled to welcome Rev. Abhi Janamanchi, Senior Minister at Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Congregation, to the UUCSS pulpit! The sermon title is inspired by William Ellery Channing, who used it effectively in 1824 during the ordination and installation service of his junior colleague Ezra Stiles Gannett. The service will reflect on what Unitarian…

Be Here, Now – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

Through silent, guided, mindfulness, and sung meditations this service will invite participants into the practice of presence with one’s self. No prior meditation experience necessary!