Past Events (Page 2)

Justice: Revisiting the Promise and the Practice – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

We often think of justice as something external, that happens in the world around us. But justice is also a felt reality, an internal experience. Through music, readings, meditation, ritual, prayer, and reflection this service will invite us into the experience of justice.

Fighting for Revolutionary Love – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

In her book, See No Stranger, lawyer and activist Valerie Kaur provides tools for healing the world while keeping love at our center. This week in worship we explore how fighting can be a practice for revolutionary love.

Come What May – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

As election day draws near, people around the country are anxious to know who our next leaders will be. Join us as we reflect and pray together for this imperfect and hurting nation, and remember our work as people of faith and conscience.

Stronger Than Death – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

As people all over the world prepare to honor the dead in different ways, we will remember our ancestors and those in our families and communities who have died. Everyone is welcome to bring a picture or two of a friend or loved one you wish to honor during this service. This is a service…

Grieving for Revolutionary Love – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

In her book, See No Stranger, lawyer and activist Valerie Kaur provides tools for healing the world while keeping love at our center. This week in worship we explore how grieving can be a practice for revolutionary love.

Beyond Toleration: Deep Pluralism – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

Unitarian Universalism is a pluralist faith, but what do we really believe about traditions that aren’t our own? As extremism of many kinds is on the rise, the way we understand our own beliefs and their relationship to the beliefs of others has never been more important.

Autumn Equinox

At the Autumnal Equinox, we experience a moment of balance between night and day, before tipping over to longer nights and shorter days. We are reminded that both our democracy and our climate are at tipping points. Join Gaia Circle, Defending Democracy and Green Sanctuary members in a service to reflect on balance and tipping…

Nurturing Wonder for Revolutionary Love – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

Year-Long once-a-month series on Valerie Kaur’s See No Stranger, this month topic is Wonder and