Past Events (Page 6)

A Special Star Wars Sunday – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

In this service for all ages we will reflect on the wisdom of Star Wars which offers a vision of what’s possible when a community believes in itself, trusts it’s part of something greater, and dedicates itself to a more free future for all.

Coming of Age Sunday – Rev. Caitlin Cotter Coillberg and the Coming of Age Class

Several teenagers in our congregation have spent the last many months delving deep into our free faith, theologies, and their own beliefs. This Sunday we have the privilege of learning what wisdom they have to share. You won’t want to miss this beloved service and opportunity to support our amazing youth.

Active Hope: An Earth Day Service – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

Coping with anxiety about the sustainability of our planet can be tough. Join us for this Earth Day service where we honor those feelings and tap into joy as a form of resistance to despair. After the service there will be activities for people of all ages to learn about the Chesapeake Bay Trust grant…

How Can We Serve? – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

We continue our mission and vision work this month with a service exploring who UUCSS is now, the unique gifts we have to offer, and the opportunities in our wider community to serve our values. Whether you’ve been part of UUCSS for many years or have just begun attending and getting connected, you are invited…

The Annual UUCSS Passover Seder

The 2023 Annual UUCSS Seder is scheduled for Monday April 10th! The gathering starts at 5:30 pm in the UUCSS Sanctuary, and we will begin the ritual promptly at 6:00 pm. We’ll share great food, participate in one of the Jewish faith’s most important ceremonies, reflect on how the Seder’s message of the value of…

Tables Not Crosses: An Easter Service – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

This week we celebrate Easter in story, song, and sermon. There is no Religious Education today, the servive is for all ages, and afterward all kids are invited to take part in the Egg Hunt. Alleluia!

Mud, Miracles, and Resistance: A Passover Service – Rev. Caitlin Cotter Coillberg

Passover is a celebration and a recommitment to our work resisting oppression and working for collective liberation. It’s also a time for singing and telling ancient stories in new ways. Join us for this special Passover service of story, song, and metaphorical mud.

Community with Purpose – Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

Religious community means different things to different people, but what is the purpose that gives our congregation meaning? This week begins our shared work to revisit our church mission and vision. Whether you’ve been part of UUCSS for many years or have just begun attending and getting connected, you are invited to participate in the…

Wakanda Forever: Afro-Futurism, Vulnerability, and the Power of Black Panther – Rev. Caitlin Cotter Coillberg (Rev. Kristin preaching at Mount Vernon)

This month a new exhibit celebrating Afro Futurism opens at the National Museum of African American History and Culture in DC. Just what IS Afro Futurism, and why is one of the centerpieces of this exhibit Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther Suit? Join us for a service exploring these questions and inviting us to imagine a…

Raising Unitarian Universalists – Rev. Christian Schmidt, guest preaching

One of the key missions of a church is to raise young people to be engaged, healthy members of our community. The ways we do this, the specific targets we work towards change, but the goal never changes; raising new Unitarian Universalists. Rev. Christian Schmidt, guest preaching. BIO Rev. Christian Schmidt currently serves as Interim…