It’s always a little different when Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday. This year we hope you’ll begin the day with us at this all-ages service where we will tell the Christmas story, sing carols, and enjoy the buzz and excitement of a no-rehearsal pageant!
Join us for a moving service celebrating the coming Winter Solstice. The Annual UUCSS Cookie Party will be held immediately after this service, so please bring cookies to share!
Our free faith draws from many sources, and this week we join our Jewish members, friends, and neighbors in seeking wisdom in the Hanukkah story.
Rounding off our monthly theme of Connecting Deeply, Rev. Caitlin will lead this all ages service of poetry, practice, and song.
In this service for all ages we will enjoy the many gifts of life as we sing harvest hymns, listen to a story, and share cornbread and cider together in a ritual of thanks.
The non-coercive nature of the free and responsible search for truth and meaning draws many people to our faith. Even within our congregations this is often framed as an individual pursuit. Join us for a service about what’s possible when we’re willing to connect deeply with one another and search for truth and meaning together.
Anyone who’s received a massage and a root canal can testify to just how differently humans perceive the passing of the same amount of time. This Sunday we delve into the spiritual dimensions of time in a service inspired by Jo Paoletti who won the opportunity to choose a sermon topic in last year’s UUCSS…
As people all over the world prepare to honor the dead in different ways, we will remember our ancestors and those in our families and communities who have died. Everyone is welcome to bring a picture or two of a friend or loved one you wish to honor during this service. This is a service…
This week in worship we sieze the opportunity to take action with other UUs around the country With a video sermon by Rev. Peggy Clarke, Chair of the Board of UUs for Social Justice, and other worship elements led by our own Rev. Kristin Schmidt, this service invites us to leverage our power to advocate…