Saying yes to an impulse, a dream. Wrestling with assumptions. Existing and thriving in a world without capitalism. Making tea as a vocation and spiritual calling. How can one slim volume of science fiction hold all that possibility? We’ll explore these juicy ideas and more, using Becky Chambers’ book A Psalm for the Wild-Built as our map. Reading the book isn’t required, but highly recommended for your summer list. BIO: Lora Powell-Haney (she/her) has been a museum guide, a reporter, an editor, a religious educator, a chaplain, and now an itinerant preacher. She completed her Master of Divinity at Meadville Lombard Theological School in May 2020 and seeks ordination as a Unitarian Universalist minister. Lora volunteers with the Fun and Spiritual Nourishment Squad and the Reproductive Justice Squad, both part of the UUA’s Side With Love justice ministries. She loves reading, drinking tea, building Beloved Community, and standing barefoot on the earth.

A Monk, A Robot, A Cup of Tea – Guest Preacher Lora Powell-Haney
- August 20, 2023
- 10:30 am – 11:30 am (Zoom open at 10:00 am, Prelude 10:25, Service at 10:30 am)
- In Person in the Sanctuary, and virtual on Zoom
10309 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20903