Styrofoam/Polysytyrene Recycling

Once again the Green Sanctuary Committee is sponsoring a styrofoam/polystyrene recycling collection on Nov. 12, 2017.

What is styrofoam?

It is expanded (not extruded) polystyrene foam, such as disposable coffee cups, plates and bowls, clamshell containers, coolers, or cushioning material in packaging, which is typically white and is made of expanded polystyrene beads. It may be marked with the recycling symbol 6. Styrofoam itself is a brand name, and similar items made by different companies are properly referred to as polystyrene.

We will accept the following items:

  • Post-consumer foam cups and clean “to-go” containers
  • egg cartons
  • ice chests
  • rinsed meat trays
  • protective packaging foam (frequently used to protect electronics during shipping)
  • other foam with the #6 inside the chasing arrows triangle.

NO PACKING PEANUTS!! Please clean TOGO items.

Please bring your clean items on Nov. 12 and deposit them in the collection container in the Community Hall. For more information, contact Lori Hill at