Rev. Preston Mears
Rev. Preston Mears
Preston Mears grew up in the Episcopal Church, attended a Quaker school, Haverford College and then seminary at the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, MA. He and Laurie, a life long Unitarian, have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. They have been members of the UUCSS now for 4 years along with their daughter Rachel and her family. Preston was ordained in 1966 in the Episcopal Church and served in parish work for 8 years before transitioning to social welfare work. He worked on the federal Food Stamp Program (now called SNAP) from 1974 to 1984 as a welfare office supervisor with the New Hampshire Department of Welfare. He transferred to the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service and served as a field supervisor and then as a senior program analyst until retirement in 2010. He continues to be active in the field through his involvement in the Prince George’s Food Equity Council.
The 4,000 year old story in the Book of Genesis is about two brothers, Cain and Able, who did not learn to love each other. It does not always have to be so—by working and playing together we just might learn respect, appreciation and just plain liking to be in each others company. The Rev.…