In these times, travel isn’t what it once was, yet new experiences, milestones, and transitions continue to be facts of life. We are transported by web conference or YouTube or fiction to other times and places. We may be traveling to different identities or states of being: graduating, retiring, grieving, welcoming children into the world,…
There is a story in the Jewish Talmud about planting trees. A sage is walking along the road and sees someone planting a carob tree. The sage asks the person, “How long will it take for this tree to bear fruit?” “Seventy years,” replies the gardener. The sage then asks: “Are you so healthy a…
Interim Minister Rev. Lyn Cox
Description: “Inspired by the ‘Church in the Mirror‘ sermon delivered by congregant Charles Alexander, I reflect upon what I’ve learned about my internalized white identity and sense of superiority. With the help of beloved fellow travelers in the ongoing struggle to understand and overcome racism and white supremacy, I’ve discovered the damage whiteness has done to my spirit and to my capacity to live within the beloved community. I offer my vision of our church in this struggle including where we have been, where we are, and the possibilities for healing and liberation that stand before us.”