Sermons (Page 11)

Both Sides (6-30-2019)

Following the white supremacist march and fatal attack on anti-racist protester Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, VA, President Trump stated that there were “very fine people on both sides” of the protests. This service will explore how we, as a faith, can balance the need to view evil with clear eyes and simultaneously to resist the demonization and dehumanization of others.

Loving, Caring, and Fatherhood (6-16-2019)

Good Morning! And, thank you Isaac for the Cat Stevens song, “Father and Son.” I like the song for having both the words of affection and the son, in the end, being his own person. There is the caring and the appreciation and the response of the son importantly saying that it was time for…

Courage for the Journey (6-9-2019)

If you’re on the Worship Committee, you may know that finding the image for the cover of the Order of Service is a part of preparing the service that I find delightful and meaningful. I have decided that I’ve been selfishly holding on to this task rather than sharing the ministry, so I’m looking forward…

Flower Ceremony (6-2-2019)

Norbert and Maja Čapek guided a faith community to support one another, in ritual and in mission, during a time when the world needed something entirely different from liberal faith than it ever had before, a time when people needed something from their faith to help sustain them in new ways, a time when people…

Honoring Self, Others, and Faith (5-26-2019)

Today I will be speaking about the concept of honoring. Before I venture into the meat of the topic, I would like to start with a little anecdote. I am a martial artist. While I no longer practice actively, I have been shaped by my art. Lessons about balance, perseverance, and indomitable spirit resonate with me to this day. I had a…

Reflection on Gender Identity (5-19-2019)

Gender as a concept is dazzling in its possibilities. Our dominant culture and our language might lead us to act as if there are only two genders. When we listen to the real experiences of all of our friends and neighbors and siblings (and for some of us when we listen to the songs of…

The Wonder of Creation (5-12-2019)

Has anyone here ever made something? What are some things you have made? Cake? Lego sculptures? Paintings? Paper bag puppets? What else? For those who have created things, was there ever a time when your creation didn’t turn out the way you wanted? Was there a time when the materials didn’t work, or you forgot…

Earth My Body

Unitarian Universalists affirm and promote respect for the interdependent web of which we are a part. Following up on last week’s Earth Day service, we remember that the concept of the interdependent web is not limited to caring for the planet. Our cosmology, our whole understanding about how the spiritual and physical universe works, is based on connections, and on cause and…