Sermons (Page 6)

Blessings -Aug 2 2020 – Lynn Cave, UUCSS Member

In today’s opening words, we learned about many ways to bless. It included things like returning an object to someone who lost it; glancing at a friend across the room; touching someone. But in this day and age of COVID, we only have our computers over a distance to bless someone, and that’s how we’ll…

Flower Ceremony

Compost and Other Teachers / Rev. Lyn Cox You saw a little glimpse of my garden earlier. I hope you didn’t mind the weeds, and were able to hear the invitation to beauty. One of the things I have learned in the garden is that it will not and I cannot be perfect. I do…

Beloved Community – Rev. Lyn Cox

 Beloved Community, according to the King Center, was understood by Dr. King to be an achievable goal. It may well be achievable someday. Meanwhile, I think living into it, getting closer to it, is a task that asks for constant renewal. Like any kind of relationship, Beloved Community thrives on attention, tenderness, and awareness. Like…