Past Events (Page 30)

The Endless Search for Truth

Jo Paoletti & Carey Schneider Forty years ago, I was working in a textiles department and estranged from the church of my birth. My journeys from textiles to American Studies and from lapsed Lutheran to UU are surprisingly connected. In retrospect, I can see that my professional life, especially my work in the history and meaning of gendered clothing, has been both…

Operations Council

Please contact for details, as meeting schedule and location are subject to change. The Operations Council is composed of representatives from the Administrative Operations Committee, Property Committee, AV Committee and IT Committee.    

Campaigning with Poor People for Green Justice

Worship Committee Member Bruce McConachie will talk about his inspiring experiences at a recent gathering of The Poor People’s Campaign (PPC) in DC. The PPC interviewed current presidential candidates, workshopped ideas for building the movement, and witnessed several personal stories of poverty and perseverance. McConachie will emphasize how the PPC’s goal of expanding democracy intersects…

Coming of (Old) Age

As a leader of the Coming of Age program for many years, I (Catherine Buckler) asked teenagers to write a “credo statement” about their beliefs. It’s a daunting task which, hypocritically, I’ve never made myself do. Until now! As I approached this challenge, the universe (or was it the COA curriculum?) sent me questions to…

Both Sides; Rev. Ashley Burczak

Following the white supremacist march and fatal attack on anti-racist protester Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, VA, President Trump stated that there were “very fine people on both sides” of the protests. This service will explore how we, as a faith, can balance the need to view evil with clear eyes and simultaneously to resist the demonization and dehumanization of others. (Rev. Ashley…

The Spiritual Call to Authenticity: for Ourselves, for Our Culture, and for Our Planet; Chloe Schwenke

The Spiritual Call to Authenticity: for Ourselves, for Our Culture, and for Our Planet Chloe Schwenke Chloe will talk about what it means to be welcoming and affirming to transgender and gender non-binary persons. In light of recent political targeting of the transgender community, Chloe will also speak to what it means for a person of faith to be a true ally…

Loving, Caring, and Fatherhood; Preston Mears

Preston Mears will speak to our need to transcend the confines of traditional paternalism on this Father’s Day to a much more exciting embrace of caring for all children. The theme for lay-led services this summer is “Living our UU Values,” and that includes the too often neglected historic call to love all children whether adopted or genetically connected, whether of our…

Courage for the Journey, Rev. Lyn Cox

Living out UU values can mean many different things; fulfilling our mission means bringing together people with a diverse array of needs and gifts. Even with our many paths, most of us need a little extra courage now and then to continue on the quest. We’ll welcome new members into the shared journey of UUCSS. This will be the last week of…

Ordination of Ashley Burczak

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring will ordain Chaplain Ashley Burczak and covenant with her as our Affiliated Community Minister on Saturday, June 8, at 2:30 in the Sanctuary. Chaplain Ashley’s journey through seminary was endorsed by UUCSS, and she has served in the past as our Membership Coordinator. Now that she is working at a hospice chaplain for Jewish Social…

2019 UUCSS Annual Meeting

The UUCSS annual congregational meeting will be held after services Sunday June 2, 2019.  Light refreshments will be served. We will be celebrating our year and voting to approve the budget and the new slate of board members for the coming year.