At the Congregational Meeting on March 11, the congregation voted to authorize the Board to hire an Interim Minister for next year. The process envisioned under our church constitution after authorization by the congregation is fairly similar to the process for hiring generally. Specifically that, after the authorizing vote, “the Board may hire the minister”.…
Polystyrene (plastic number 6) is not generally recyclable. That’s why Montgomery County has banned its use by restaurants. Bet you still get stuff sent in styrofoam. We found a place that will recycle it into insulation. So save it and bring it to church on Earth Day on Sunday, April 22. Let’s turn that nasty…
UU 101’s are informal gatherings for visitors to our church who would like to learn a bit more about Unitarian Universalism and UUCSS in particular. We meet following the service in the “triangle room,” which is adjacent to the Community Hall where coffee hour is underway. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and bring your…
The Green Sanctuary Committee is facilitating a lightbulb swap at coffee hour on Earth Day. Please bring functional or non-functional incandescent or CFL lightbulbs to exchange for a 60 watt equivalent soft white LED bulb. Limit 3 per household while supplies last. Have more than 3 CFL bulbs to get rid of? Bring them too for recycling…
During Coffee Hour for three Sundays in a row, UUCSS Green Sanctuary is conducting a Write Here! Write Now! letter-writing campaign in conjunction with UUSJ to support the RECLAIM Act. This act has bipartisan support and will release $1 billion of existing funds over five years from the Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation (AML) Fund to…
There is a Congregational meeting to vote on the following proposal following the service in the Sanctuary. Please contact Christa Maher ( by Sunday, April 8, 2018, to request ASL interpretation. Child Care: please contact by Sunday, April 8, 2018, to request child care during the meeting. Please include the names, ages, and any allergies/special…
As announced, the Board is proposing the Congregation make some modifications to how certain positions on the Board are filled. Specifically, the Board is proposing that Before the end of the church year, the Board will elect from among the continuing members of the Board a member to serve as President for the next church year;…
As announced, the Board is proposing the Congregation make some modifications to how certain positions on the Board are filled. Specifically, the Board is proposing that Before the end of the church year, the Board will elect from among the continuing members of the Board a member to serve as President for the next church year;…
Please contact for details, as meeting schedule and location are subject to change. “Respect for the interdependent web of existence of which we are a part”— that’s our UU Seventh Principle. It was added to our other 6 principles in 1985, reflecting a growing understanding that our place in nature has a spiritual and moral…
If addressing climate change and promoting sustainable ways of living are issues important to you or if you want to learn more, come join the UUCSS Green Sanctuary Committee! We welcome you! We meet at the church sanctuary on the first Tuesdays of the month from 7:00 – 8:00 PM during the months of September…