Posts from the search committee.
Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt Online Worship Service for Candidating Week April 26, 2020, 11:00 a.m.
Posts from the search committee.
Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt Online Worship Service for Candidating Week April 26, 2020, 11:00 a.m.
Dear UUCSS Members, Friends, and Staff, We are excited to be able to present the candidate for ministry at UUCSS: Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt. Rev. Schmidt was born and raised in Montgomery County, Maryland. From a young age Kristin encouraged her family to find a church to attend. They began going to Cedar Lane UU Church when…
Your 2019-2020 Search Committee brings you these updates on where we are and what’s ahead: Congregational Record Right now, one of the primary focuses of the Search Committee is the Congregational Record. The Congregational Record is a compilation of facts and narratives covering our church history, membership and attendance, congregational demographics and beliefs, governance structure and programs, finances, paid staff, and the…
Your 2019-2020 Search Committee brings you these updates on where we are and what’s ahead: Cottage Meetings/Congregant Emails As you may recall from last year, part of the ministerial search process is gathering input from the congregation about who we are, what our future vision is for the church, and how our future minister can help us achieve that vision. One avenue for…