The Flower Ceremony is a Unitarian Universalist ritual dating back to 1923 celebrating diversity and cooperation. This year, we’ll be celebrating in a new way, as we share photos of flowers and of people who bring beauty to our community. Just as Norbert and Maja Čapek created the flower ceremony to meet a community’s needs in a new way for a new age, we are adapting as a community to share comfort, encouragement, and commitment to our values in ways that fit our times. This will be Rev. Lyn’s last service as UUCSS’s Interim Minister. Please email with your photos of flowers by June 7. Photos of flowers and people together are especially welcome!
Here is the link to the livestream:
Anyone with an internet connection should be able to view the livestream. You may need to log in to Google to participate in the chat. A recording will be available to view later, but not the livestream chat.
American Sign Language interpretation will be available during the service at this link:
After the service, please join us for Virtual Coffee Hour, which will be via a link sent to members by email. Subject “Today’s Sunday Worship Service Reminder“.