We live in a commodified world where people live behind screens of meaning – work, education, family heritage – that “tell” people who we are. But if we are going to be healers in the world, we need to learn how to let these screens go and reveal our true selves. But this requires a lot of trust, which is frightening in this commodified world. Where can we learn how to trust like this?
BIO: Rev. Ian White Maher was raised Unitarian Universalist in Portsmouth, NH. His pastor, Bob Karnan, inspired him to follow the call into ministry. He is a graduate of Harvard Divinity School and the Interim Senior Minister of the First Church of Salt Lake City. He lived and trained in a Buddhist temple for 6 years and is the former host of Sit, Breathe, Bow, a podcast for Zen practitioners. His belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every being called him to become vegan five years ago.