November Update from the Ministerial Search Committee

Your 2019-2020 Search Committee brings you these updates on where we are and what’s ahead:

Congregational Record 

Right now, one of the primary focuses of the Search Committee is the Congregational Record.  The Congregational Record is a compilation of facts and narratives covering our church history, membership and attendance, congregational demographics and beliefs, governance structure and programs, finances, paid staff, and the congregation’s strengths and challenges.  This document will reside with the UUA for review by ministerial candidates.

We have integrated feedback from last year’s congregational survey and cottage meetings, this year’s cottage meetings, and emails we received from the congregation into the record.  We built upon and updated the record developed by last year’s Search Committee.  We’ve submitted the draft Congregational Record to our UUA Transition Coach for her review, and we will be submitting the final Congregational Record soon.

Documents Packet

In addition to the Congregational Record, we submit the “Documents Packet.”  While the Congregational Record consists of our responses to a list of questions, the “Documents Packet” is…wait for it…a packet of documents.  The packet includes documents such as our church constitution, budget, congregational covenant, board meeting minutes, policies, organizational chart, photos of the church, and sample newsletters and orders of service.  We are updating the packet now, and it will be finalized sometime in December.

As always, please feel free to email us with any questions or concerns at