Announcements (Page 9)

Information bulletins

Stewardship Cottage Meetings

This year’s Annual Budget Drive is officially launched! All Members and Friends of UUCSS are invited to sign up for an ABD cottage meeting! Sign-ups are now open, and cottage meetings begin March 17. Light refreshments will be served at all cottage meetings, and some are noted to be children-friendly. We encourage all to join…

January 2019 Volunteer of the Month – Susannah Numa

Susannah Numa is the Volunteer of the Month for January.  Susannah was raised Unitarian Universalist.  When she came to UUCSS in the fall of 2010 and experienced a few services with Rev. Liz Maclay and Rev. Ellen Jennings, it felt right, open, and comfortable.  The music program was enticing, and she appreciated the diversity of services and worship styles.  Susannah began by volunteering for nursery and…

Pastoral Letter, October 31, 2018

Dear Ones, On Sunday (10/28), we came together in worship, carrying various kinds of grief from personal, national, and international news. When the worship service ended, we still had those griefs, but we also had the strength of being part of something larger than ourselves. Realizing that the news keeps on coming, while the memory…

UUCSS’s Charity of the Month for September 2018

UUCSS’s Charity of the Month for September is Suited for Change. Founded in 1992, Suited for Change empowers women by increasing their employment and job retention potential. They are the area’s leading nonprofit for women in need of professional attire, mentoring, and job-readiness education. By providing head-to-toe professional attire to local women entering the job market or to those recently…

July 2018 Volunteer of the Month – Jane Jackson

Jane Jackson is the July Volunteer of the Month.  Jane came to UUCSS in 1984 with her husband John Acton searching for a community in which to raise their two-and-half-year-old daughter.  They chose UUCSS because their upbringing conditioned them to go to the closest church.  The first service they came to was  on Canvass Sunday, and they heard Rev. Paul Johnson preaching…