Worship Service at 10:30 AM; Hybrid services have prelude and/or opening music starting between 10:25 am and 10:30 am.

UUCSS holds hybrid services (offering both online and in-person in the Sanctuary). Details about upcoming services can be found at https://uucss.org/event-category/upcoming-sunday-services/

If you wish to attend in person, the sanctuary is at 10309 New Hampshire Avenue, at the corner with Oaklawn Drive. We have a parking lot off Oaklawn Drive Directions can be found at https://uucss.org/contact/campus-locations/. Please follow our UUCSS guidelines, https://uucss.org/uucss-covid-guidelines/.  

To participate remotely, please enter our Zoom room by clicking on Zoom Link for Worship, ASL and Coffee Hour, on Sundays between 10:00 am and 10:30 am during the Slide Show and Prelude, or later while the service is occurring. You can also just click the direct link in the Sunday morning all-church email reminder. 

American Sign Language Interpretation will be available live during the service, either in the sanctuary or remotely. In either case, the ASL Interpreter will be visible two ways – merged into the main video feed from the sanctuary (if present locally in the sanctuary), and as a Zoom participant with their own Zoom window.

For guidance on deaf participation via Zoom, please visit https://www.uucss.org/deaf-access, or view the guidance provided on slides shown prior to the Prelude.

For information about our Religious Education program, visit https://uucss.org/uucss-religious-education-classes/

Coffee Hour begins at about 11:30 am, both in person and on the same Zoom session as the worship service, and can be accessed at this Link: Coffee Hour. The ASL interpreter will generally be available during Coffee Hour, in an ASL breakout room or whichever room deaf participants choose to join.

Past Services can be found at the UUCSS YouTube page, https://www.youtube.com/c/UUCSS.


Onward and Upward Forever? (9/15/2019)

Once upon a time, when Unitarian congregations in America were coming to terms with a post-Civil War society, when they were both overwhelmed by the social impact of industrialization and intrigued the modern conveniences made possible by it, there arose a new way of describing their faith. It was nicknamed the Unitarian covenant, and was drawn from a sermon by James Freeman…

Changing Course (9/8/2019)

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Expanding the Circle: UUs Working Towards a Humane Society

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This Refulgent Summer

I. Introduction: The Challenge “The heart knoweth”, says Emerson. “The whole human family is bathed with the element of love like a fine ether.” Joys and sorrows, injustices and reconciliations, all together form this world, “in which our senses converse.” It surprises me that I am inclined to agree, given that I was almost destined to be a cynic. I was born…

Friendship Day (8-18-2019)

Service at Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church It is good to be together. Gazing out at people from different Unitarian Universalist congregations, maybe two congregations, maybe some UU’s from other congregations who snuck in here to see what this Friendship Day thing was all about … embracing this atmosphere of meeting and collaboration, one might wonder, “How did this happen?”  Back in…

Grace (8-11-2019)

It is a privilege and a blessing to be among you after a short time away. Since the last time I preached here, I’ve been to our annual Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly, taken a week or so of vacation, and had a few weeks out of the pulpit while I focused on some other aspects of ministry here. Life keeps happening…

The Endless Search for Truth (7-21-2019)

Forty years ago, I was working in a textiles department and estranged from the church of my birth. My journeys from textiles to American Studies and from lapsed Lutheran to UU are surprisingly connected. In retrospect, I can see that my professional life, especially my work in the history and meaning of gendered clothing, has…

Coming of (Old) Age (7-7-2019)

As a leader of the Coming of Age program for many years, I (Catherine Buckler) asked teenagers to write a “credo statement” about their beliefs. It’s a daunting task which, hypocritically, I’ve never made myself do. Until now! As I approached this challenge, the universe (or was it the COA curriculum?) sent me questions to guide my writing: What makes me a…