Announcements (Page 8)

Information bulletins

Pathways to Membership Class

Are you interested in becoming a member of UUCSS?  Our next Pathways to Membership class will be from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm on Saturday, October 26 in the Dolan Lounge in the Admin building at the church. Reverend Cox will be joining us. The Pathways class provides an opportunity to learn more about the history and principles of…

No Service August 18: Friendship Day

UUCSS will be CLOSED on Sunday, August 18, as we travel to our neighbors at the Cedar Lane UU Church for Friendship Day. Cedar Lane UU Church is located at 9601 Cedar Lane Bethesda, MD 20814. Friendship Day is a multigenerational service celebrating creativity and collaboration. Worship at Cedar Lane UU Church in the summer…

UUCSS 2019 Annual Meeting

All members of UUCSS are encouraged to attend the annual congregational meeting on Sunday, June 2, 2019, after the worship service. Light refreshments will be served. We will be celebrating our year and voting to approve the budget and the new slate of board members for the coming year. 

Actors Needed for a Staged-Reading of the Play, SWEAT. Auditions at UUCSS May 21

The Social Justice Players, sponsored by The Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Program, and in coordination with the Chalice Theatre at the UU Church of Arlington (UUCA) and the UU Church of Silver Spring (UUCSS), will be presenting the Pulitzer-Prize-winning play, SWEAT, by Lynn Nottage, to be directed by Bruce McConachie. There will be six staged-readings…

UUCSS 101 for UUCSS Visitors

If you are a visitor who would like to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and UUCSS in particular or about the process for becoming a member, please join us April 14 at our monthly UUCSS 101 for an informal gathering with folks from the Membership Committee. We meet following the service in the Triangle Room, which is adjacent to the Community Hall…

Pathways to Membership Class

Are you interested in becoming a member of UUCSS?  Our next Pathways to Membership class will be from 9:00 – 12:00 pm on the morning of April 6 in the Dolan Lounge at the church.  Reverend Cox will be joining us. The Pathways class provides an opportunity to learn more about the history and principles of the UU faith and about UUCSS in particular. You…


Please join us for the annual UUCSS Fellowship Dinner on Saturday April 27 at 6pm.
Enjoy good company, good food (pot luck style), good music, and dancing!
Please click on “Gather In Gratitude” above for the registration link.