Announcements (Page 7)

Information bulletins

Conversations for Liberation

December 15, 12:00-2:00 p.m. How will we move our faith forward toward greater justice? This is a central question for Unitarian Universalism, and one that participants at this year’s UUA General Assembly engaged with in facilitated small group discussions. The UUA and several partner organizations have invited congregations to continue the conversation, and to continue…

Go Green Kick-Off

The Green Sanctuary will host a Go Green kick -off November 10 in the Triangle Room following the Sunday service. Visit our table to find out more about how you can get 100% green electricity for your home or apartment without installing costly solar panels and while keeping your current utility provider. Community solar projects, …

Workshop on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

October 27 12-2:00 pm at UUCSS in the Sanctuary. The Maryland Commission on Civil Rights will offer a free Workshop on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. Learn how you can be welcoming to queer and gender non conforming people at our church, in the workplace, and in your community. Light lunch and vegetarian options will be available for…

Pathways to Membership Class

Are you interested in becoming a member of UUCSS?  Our next Pathways to Membership class will be from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm on Saturday, October 26 in the Dolan Lounge in the Admin building at the church. Reverend Cox will be joining us. The Pathways class provides an opportunity to learn more about the history and principles of…

No Service August 18: Friendship Day

UUCSS will be CLOSED on Sunday, August 18, as we travel to our neighbors at the Cedar Lane UU Church for Friendship Day. Cedar Lane UU Church is located at 9601 Cedar Lane Bethesda, MD 20814. Friendship Day is a multigenerational service celebrating creativity and collaboration. Worship at Cedar Lane UU Church in the summer…

UUCSS 2019 Annual Meeting

All members of UUCSS are encouraged to attend the annual congregational meeting on Sunday, June 2, 2019, after the worship service. Light refreshments will be served. We will be celebrating our year and voting to approve the budget and the new slate of board members for the coming year.